You can bet your sweet ass if I see a book that jumps out as much as this cover.....I'm gonna buy it.
I was at my daughters school the other day for Parent Teacher Interviews, after glowing reports on how great of a student, peer tutor and overall
kid my daughter is.... I only think it is fair to reward such wonderful
behavior and hard work with a book.....or we headed to the Book Fair.
At the 'Young Adult' Table, this book literally screamed "Read Me, Read Me!!" I won't deny, it was the cover that caught me first, than the book description:
"Heads will roll!
Paris, France: a city of fashion, chocolate
croissants, and cute boys. Colette Iselin is thrilled be there for the
first time, on her spring break class trip.
But a series of
gruesome murders are taking place around the city, putting everyone on
edge. And as she tours the sights, Colette keeps seeing a strange
vision: a pale woman in a ball gown and powdered wig, who looks like
Marie Antoinette.
Colette knows her status-obsessed friends
won't believe her, so she seeks out the help of a charming French boy.
Together, they discover that the murder victims are all descendants of
people who ultimately brought about Marie Antoinette's beheading. And
Colette may just be one of those descendants . . ."
(Book description via
I had to have it! It sounded like a story not only I would enjoy, but even my daughter who also loves a good ghost story. (A chip off the ol' block!)
My Take:
"Marie Antoinette: Serial Killer" by Katie Alender
I love the shock value that was put into drawing attention to the novel! (I'm trying to remember the last time a book cover made me look twice....)
To those who aren't familiar with history and can't get over the 'serial killer' in the title..a little lesson....She was not a serial killer (lavish spender, bad ruler, allegedly tells people to eat cake ....perhaps.....) so get past that, read the actual book description and see why the book is called that before you judge it.
(mmmm, did someone say cake???)
Besides a great little fictional spook story with some history, a little French culture..... the book has an in your face story about Friendship....and it sends a great message to the audience about the choices we make.
You learn from Colette's experience. It teaches a valuable lesson about why the popular or the mean girls are not necessarily worthy of the 'IT' crowd title...Why you should treat everyone with respect...Why you should never be ashamed of your circumstance or where you come from.... Why you should never be a sheep and follow blindly along with the crowd and their asinine 'rules'...(You get the drift!)
That is ALWAYS an important message to send.
So, did I enjoy the story?
Yes, for a young adult, fast read I actually liked it. It was amusing, a bit suspenseful at times...the end had a light twist. I wont say that is was entirely predictable, the twist wasn't what I that's good. I always enjoy it when an author puts her own spin on history.
For adults, it does feel 'young' (duh) but if you have children who would read it, than I don't see why you wouldn't pick it up and give it a go if you like a spooky story. I'll read it again.
When my daughter arrived home from her sleep over this morning, I told her that I had finished the book and cleared it as appropriate reading for her. She is now a few chapters in and tells me 'Wow mom, this book is pretty good so far!'
Given the underlying theme of the book, I plan on using it as a tool to discuss with her social situations, bullies, status etc....once she has completed the novel. (Yes, I am THAT mom!)
I always look for extra ways to teach, encourage and discuss things with my kids!
And the fact that she gets a tiny history lesson and an imaginative ghost story.....well let's just call that an added bonus!
Happy Reading!