Monday, 1 April 2013

Beautiful Bastard ~ Christina Lauren

I am going to do as the book did and cut straight to the chase!!

Beautiful Bastard is hands down is the most entertaining 'Mommy Porn' novel I have read yet!

You can have your Christian Grey! Take Gideon Cross and keep him for yourself......but when it comes to fictional hotties could someone PLEASE pass me Bennett Ryan on a platter with whipped cream, a whip and a cherry on top. (Don't tell my husband I said that... ;) )

My second read-through on our way to Easter Dinner.
 Truth be told, I don't know when this book actually hit my radar. I hear about so many of them... but the cover caught my eye a few weeks ago on a 'Book Buying Binge'....the title sounded 'familiar'....but I couldn't place how or why.... Since my arms were already loaded down (seriously Chapters-Indigo, would it kill you get shopping carts for freaks like me?) I decided to leave it for my next spree with a few other titles I had written down.

Two weeks later I was back at the store.....

After a brief eenie meenie mo process... (Which book do I buy.....??) I grabbed the novel I was extra curious about.... the one with Bastard written in red. (I knew I would love it based on that alone!)

For those of you who want to devour title after title of naughty love stories, than shoot this book to the top of your reading list.
(Do it NOW!)

Unlike Fifty Shades which kept you waiting and waiting for the sex action pickle-tickle 'you know' to happen (yes, I know people who complained about that) this book slaps you in the face from the first chapter. (Or should I say presses you up against the cold window of a conference room.....)

The interesting twist. This boss and assistant duo positively hate each other. They are complete equals both in spirit and work ethic. It makes the story that much better. They argue, they fight, throw around smart ass comments and insults....purposely provoking each other.....all the while they become overly obsessed....It's a sexy power struggle! An Anti-Love Story!
The novel isn't just all sex (though sex is a hefty part of the story line....) it's actually a clever twist on falling in love.... in a very spicy, spur of the moment, passionate sort of way. I personally think it stands out from a lot of the other mainstream books in this genre I've read.

 Chloe Mills ~ intern extraordinaire, is just as fiery, passionate and intelligent as you would expect/want in a character. Her sass, wit and no holds barred approach to dealing with her boss ('on all levels') is exceptionally entertaining. Chloe's fear is for what could happen to her career aspirations should word of their trysts get out....the years of hard work and dedication could go down the drain should anyone find out she's boinking her boss.
One of my favorite parts of the book takes place on Page 33 (to be exact).... No, I am not going to quote's spans a few paragraphs..*cough* read it yourself  *cough* ...but it involves Chloe's plan of action and inner pep talk about being a strong independent woman.....

Bennett Ryan is her boss, and he is a five star jerk. Sexy as hell, he has been exceptionally rude to her from the first day he started. The swearing and bickering between the two ends up being a naughty form of foreplay and the two hate themselves for it. Bennett is constantly being scolded by his family (who love her) on how he needs to treat her better because she's the best assistant he will ever have. Little do they know that Chloe most definitely is the best he's ever had.......

The book is narrated by both characters, alternating throughout the story. That is always a big bonus! There is no guessing Bennett's feelings toward Chloe and vice versa. It's a treat for the reader and an aspect of novels I always enjoy. Don't we all wish our partners came with the same insight!
The male characters in comparable novels are usually wounded, sappy, hurt individuals with some secret past....There are no deep dark secrets about Bennett....he's from a loving family, a successful business executive with money....His only real secret would be the growing collection of Chloe's expensive panties....(details of that are on a read-to-know basis) I love hearing his thoughts and frustrations being laid out for us. It made his character that much sexier and helped make the book.

 Book Two in the series is called 'Beautiful Stranger' which releases in May 2013! (SOOOOOON!!!)
It however focuses on different characters, not Chloe and Bennett...(boooo) regardless I shall POUNCE on it come it's release date and naturally fill you in on what to expect!

Writing duo Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings have had hit the proverbial gold mine with this book.
The success started online as Twilight Fan Fiction called 'The Office'... (did you read it under that title?) and according to my research was reworked a bit, renamed and boom it's now a Best Seller in print.
Oh and while I can be very picky about books to film, I am very excited to hear that the movie rights have been acquired by Constantin Films!
I already know I will own a copy of the movie. (I can see into the future like that)
For more information, visit their website!

So what are you waiting for.....

Buy it, Borrow it, Mark it 'to read' .... "Beautiful Bastard" is one for the bookshelves (says the crazy lady who has read it twice in 24 hours....and trying not to read it onnnnce more before carrying on with my growing pile of waiting reads..... seriously.... I may have a problem.......)

**Updated to add the link to my review of Beautiful Stranger! Click here! 

Here is the book description from

An ambitious intern. A perfectionist executive. And a whole lot of name calling.
Whip-smart, hardworking, and on her way to an MBA, Chloe Mills has only one problem: her boss, Bennett Ryan. He's exacting, blunt, inconsiderate--and completely irresistible. A Beautiful Bastard.

Bennett has returned to Chicago from France to take a vital role in his family's massive media business. He never expected that the assistant who'd been helping him from abroad was the gorgeous, innocently provocative--completely infuriating--creature he now has to see every day. Despite the rumors, he's never been one for a workplace hookup. But Chloe's so tempting he's willing to bend the rules--or outright smash them--if it means he can have her. All over the office. 

As their appetites for one another increase to a breaking point, Bennett and Chloe must decide exactly what they're willing to lose in order to win each other.

Happy Reading!


  1. Im going to have to put Beautiful Creatures on the back burner!! Heading to Chapters this week!! You make me want to READ ♥

    1. LOL! Awesome stuff!
      Glad to hear I am helping inspire reading in others! :)
      :) Happy Reading!

  2. Ooh I gotta check this one out! Thanks for the suggestion!
